
Guldborgsund Municipality has long been at the forefront of human-nonhuman relat

Guldborgsund Municipality has long been at the forefront of human-nonhuman relat-Guldborgsu

Guldborgsund Municipality has long been at the forefront of human-nonhuman relations, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and other species for over a decade. This commitment is evident in their various initiatives, including the nurturing of the Azure Network, a network of interconnected green spaces that provide habitat for a variety of insects, including pillbugs. The municipality has also increased wireless broadcasts to encourage communication between humans and other species, and has encouraged residents to view these non-human creatures as potential allies rather than pests. Guldborgsund Municipality has also taken bold steps to create a more inclusive environment for all species, letting gardens turn into wilderness and human homes into multi-species nests. Their most ambitious project to date is the establishment of the Patchwork Forest, a small scale reforestation that aims to create a sustainable and biodiverse ecosystem. These initiatives have made Guldborgsund Municipality a beacon of hope for those who believe in a future where humans and other species can coexist peacefully and beneficially.

Study number 12 for The House That Nature Built – a solar powered artwork for The Patchwork Forest launching i feb. 10th 2024 #thehousethatnaturebuilt #ThePatchworkForest #solarpoweredart #stablevideodiffusion

Supported by #GrossererL.F.FoghtsFond and #Guldborgsundmunicipality



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