
I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they al

I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they al-I-keep-seeing-ghosts-in-the-shadows-of-my-room I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they al-1713632111_368_I-keep-seeing-ghosts-in-the-shadows-of-my-room I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they al-1713632111_603_I-keep-seeing-ghosts-in-the-shadows-of-my-room I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they al-1713632111_488_I-keep-seeing-ghosts-in-the-shadows-of-my-room I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they al-1713632112_845_I-keep-seeing-ghosts-in-the-shadows-of-my-room

I keep seeing ghosts in the shadows of my room at night. For some reason they always dance and gyrate towards me, but never quite seem to escape the pull of the corners they form from
I guess ai is still cool if i make it super over complicated (it was cooler 3 years ago when I had to use sketchy programs written in spanish and it wasn’t remotely realistic). This is an audio reactive video I made to a song I also made. The video started as a still image I created with Photoshop’s ai and some hand shaping and painting. Then I used stable video diffusion to animate the photo so that the shadowy figures dance back and forth towards the bed like demented car dealership inflatables. Then I took that video and the song into TouchDesigner and made the video pulse back and forth in beat with the song.
#aiart #🤢 #stablevideodiffusion #stablediffusion #touchdesigner #audioreactive #sleepparalysis #adobephotoshop #generativeai
@photoshop @touchdesigner @stablediffusion @ableton



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